Application of ISSN

Introduction | Eligibility | Documents Needed | Time Required | Legal Deposit Requirements | Reference Site | Contact
A serial publication, in any medium, issued in successive parts, usually having numerical or chronological designations and intended to be continued with no predetermined end. The ISSN is applicable to the entire population of serials, whether past, present or to be published in the foreseeable future. Serials are print or non-print publications issued in parts, usually bearing issue numbers and/or dates. A serial is expected to continue indefinitely. Serials include periodicals, newspapers, annuals (reports, yearbooks, directories, etc.), journals, series, memoirs, proceedings, transactions, etc.
The applications of ISSNs for the Macao Polytechnic University are assigned by the Library.
This is a service for members of the Macao Polytechnic University.
Documents Needed
After finalize the manuscript, deign layout and before printing, the applicant should submit:
- Print version - Softcopy (in PDF or JPG format) of Cover Page, Title Page, Table of Contents and Editorial Page (Colophon Page). The Editorial Page (Colophon Page) must show the name and address of the publisher.
- CD-ROM version - Softcopy (in PDF or JPG format) of the label affixed on the disc and/or on the container with the name and address of the publisher printed on.
- Online version – Publication URL. The name and address of the publisher must be displayed on the publication.
- Mobile version - Screenshots of the title screen and/or of any other screens showing the name and the address of the publisher.
- Copy of MPU approval documents.
- And provide the following information to the Library to process:
- Complete list of editorial board members and email addresses
- Year and month of first issue
- Frequency of publication
Time Required
Processing time for an ISSN application is about 3 months from the date of our receipt of the completed information.
Legal Deposit Requirements
Applicants are required to send at least 10 copies of each issue on a regular basis for the Library after it is published, in which 2 copies will be sent to the Macao Public Library (according to the Administrative Regulation 10/2008 amended of Decree-law 72/89/M), 1 copy for the Library collection and remaining copies will be used for international exchange with cooperating libraries.
Reference Site
- Publication Law (Law 7/90/M)
- ISSN International Centre
- Bibliotecas Públicas de Macau - Agência do ISBN de Macau
Contact Person | Mr. Rex Wu |
Tel. | 8599-6748 |
Fax | 2870-2076 | |