Application of ISRC

Introduction | Eligibility | Documents Needed | Time Required | Legal Deposit Requirements | Reference Site | Contact
The ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is the globally recognized standard numbering system for audio and music video recordings. Each ISRC is a unique and permanent identifier for a specific recording. Only one ISRC should be issued to a track, and an ISRC can never represent more than one unique recording. ISRC is a useful identification tool in the electronic distribution of music.
The applications of ISRCs for the Macao Polytechnic University are assigned by the Library.
This is a service for members of the Macao Polytechnic University.
Documents Needed
After finalize the manuscript, design layout and before printing, the applicant should submit:
- Hardcopy & softcopy (in JPG format) of Cover Page.
- Hardcopy & softcopy (in JPG format) of Table of Contents.
- Hardcopy & softcopy (in JPG format) of Colophon Page.
- Copy of MPU approval documents.
Time Required
Processing time for an ISRC application is about 2 months from the date of our receipt of the completed information.
Legal Deposit Requirements
Applicants are required to send 30 copies to the Library after it is published, in which 5 copies will be sent to the Macao Public Library (according to the Administrative Regulation 10/2008 amended of Decree-law 72/89/M), 1 copy send to the Library of the Legislative Assembly of the Macao SAR (according to the Law No. 3/2015 amended of Law No.11/2000), 2 copies for the Library collection and remaining copies will be used for international exchange with cooperating libraries.
Reference Site
- Publication Law (Law 7/90/M)
- International ISRC Agency
- Bibliotecas Públicas de Macau - Agência do ISBN de Macau
Contact Person | Mr. Rex Wu |
Tel. | 8599-6748 |
Fax | 2870-2076 | |